Safety & Care

Our Slinky the Label products are made from high quality materials! In saying this they are not indestructible.

To clean items we recommend hand washing them with a stain remover if your pooch has been out and about in the mud or dirt. 

Wash tests have been done many times before launching and we can safely say that you can also (on a cold wash only) put your items in the washing machine with a stain remover if you think the stain really isn’t coming out & that works a treat. 
Be sure to have another item like a towel in the washing machine when using this method. 

As amazing as Slinky the Labels fashionable items are we do recommend not wearing them on any rough play dates just in case they do get quite stained and the stain may be hard to remove! 

Otherwise, get out there on adventures and show off your fury friends new gear! x